I have a LC/MS Infinity 1260 QQQ 6460C and the instruments got offline all the time.
We've tried the following actions:
- Switching of all the ethernet cable and switch device
- Switching of the LAN Interface Card G1369C
- Switching of networking board at computer
- Reseting of smartcard at MS
- Updating of firmeware from LC and MS (Agilent Engineer did this procedure)
- Reinstalling of windowns and MassHunter Acquisition (version B10.1)
I've tried to ping the IP and and it was successful.
After all the intervention and powercycle the MS, the instrument gets online, but only for a few minutes or hours and then it gets offline (all the instruments). At time that this ocurre there is no register at logbook. The error only appears when I try to open the MS Acquisition again, and the error are as following:
- MSQQQ_1: Communication to instrument failed
- Device MSQQQ_1 for operation: On failed
Does someone have any idea what is going happening? I have not been able to operate the instrument for 2 weeks now, because even the support is not getting success.
I attached some images to illustrated some errors.
Instrument offline:
Logbook after the instruments got offline:
Message when I try open the MS Acquisition: