We use a q-tof 6546A with Dual esi-AJS, without a HPLC, solely with direct infusion via a syringe/syringe pump.
We changed the nebulizer values in the aquisition part of the Masshunter software and now want to use these same values for our check/tuning process, too.
I know were I can change the values in the tune part, but how can I safe them to actually be used for the tune?
As of now, I go into Manual Tune and then change the values for Nebulizer Temperatur, Gas Pressure, Drying Gas and Sheath Gas Flow and the instrument uses these values after I press apply. But as soon as I switch back to the tune tab to start the check tune, the values change back to the ones that were there from the start. Even saving the tune file doesn't help, as I can't find an option to safe my changes on the manual tune tab or even to start the manual tune.
And yes, I have all the necessary rights.
Does anyone have an idea?
Best regards