Q-ToF 6546A: How to safe changes in the nebulizer parameters in the Tune part of the Software?

We use a q-tof 6546A  with Dual esi-AJS, without a HPLC, solely with direct infusion via a syringe/syringe pump.

We changed the nebulizer values in the aquisition part of the Masshunter software and now want to use these same values for our check/tuning process, too. 

I know were I can change the values in the tune part, but how can I safe them to actually be used for the tune?

As of now, I go into Manual Tune and then change the values for Nebulizer Temperatur, Gas Pressure, Drying Gas and Sheath Gas Flow and the instrument uses these values after I press apply. But as soon as I switch back to the tune tab to start the check tune, the values change back to the ones that were there from the start. Even saving the tune file doesn't help, as I can't find an option to safe my changes on the manual tune tab or even to start the manual tune.

And yes, I have all the necessary rights.

Does anyone have an idea? 

Best regards


  • Hi  ,

    The tune file ''save as'' will only save the values for the optics, etc. in the tune file, but the source Nebulizer Temperature, Gas Pressure, Drying Gas and Sheath Gas Flow are saved in a file that cannot/should not be modified. 

    You can play with these values in the acquisition context and save it no problem (as the acquisition method tune file attach to it does not have the source parameters in them), but in the tune context you can modify them for specific manual optimization/troubleshooting, but even if you save the tune, the next time you open the tune context, you will need to modify them again.

    The flow, temperatures, etc for the tune are very important and the algorithm will not work/pass if you change these values for higher or lower values as the spray might not be optimal.

    I hope this helps.


  • Hi philebel,

    thank you for your answer.

    It is as I feared, then. *sigh*

    For our aquisition we managed to change the AJS/nebulizer values, and they work well so far. Our problem is mainly that our N2-generator doesn't produce enough N2 flow to maintain the high sheath gas flow for the amount of time it takes to check/tune. 

    Our old Q-ToF had an ordinary ESI source, without the jet stream thing. And we never had a problem then. If we could, we'd just shut off the jet stream part, but that probabaly isn''t possible either, is it?

    As I mentioned we don't use a HPLC with the Q-ToF ever, only direct infusion with a flow of 200µl/h, so a really low flow. We are therefore of the opinion, that it should be possible to lower the AJS/nebulizer values and safe them in such a way that we can use them for tuning purposes, too.

    Best regards,


  • Hi  ,

    The ESI source require 18 L/min from the nitrogen generator, but the AJS requires 30L/min, so quite a difference on the nitrogen need.

    Technically you can go in the manual tune section and modify the source parameters, but this will NOT be an optimal/recommended solution with the AJS source for tuning the system.

    Newer QTOF are also compatible with TOF/QTOF ESI sources if you do not need the sheath gas, so you could go with that source and lower the nitrogen supply requirement.


  • Hi  ,

    The ESI source require 18 L/min from the nitrogen generator, but the AJS requires 30L/min, so quite a difference on the nitrogen need.

    Technically you can go in the manual tune section and modify the source parameters, but this will NOT be an optimal/recommended solution with the AJS source for tuning the system.

    Newer QTOF are also compatible with TOF/QTOF ESI sources if you do not need the sheath gas, so you could go with that source and lower the nitrogen supply requirement.


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