6546 Agilent qtof


recently I run out of Tuning mix so I have prepared a new fresh one and now I have a problem with tuning my aparatus. 

Tune mix was diuted 1:10 with acn + H20 + 3ul HP0321

I started the procedure with qtof system tune (poz and neg for both tof and quad) for 3200 mz. It passed the positive tune but for the negative - communicate that post tune calibration failed occured. Moreover the mass of 602 mz is much higher then others. I would like to ask for some advice

  • Hey, 

    I am working on 6546 lc qtof with dual ajs esi

    I am waiting for new tune mix to come (I just ordered it). But for now the way I have prepared tune mix was as the table below. Even with that i got an error for neg you saw

     The problem with mass 602 is occurring second time and we used different lot for tuning mixs. Also i did rinse a B bottle quite good with heated water then izopropanol then ACN few times (all solvents are highest purity) I think there is more then just faulty tuning mix. 

    Also, depending on which QTOF you have, you want to make sure the valve sending nitrogen to the reference nebulizer is in the close position - could you please elaborate more on that?

    Do you have any tips form where 130 in pos can come from? 

    Thank you for all your suggestions :) 

  • Hi  ,

    Your recipe is good for the G6546A, but you still need to make sure your are not saturating the detector, the first page on how to prepare the tune mix and what to be carefull with is important. 

    For the G6546A, never mind on the valve on the left side of the source, this was for the previous versions of QTOF.

    Please start with a new tuning mix solution and make sure you do not have major contamination in positive, if not, then perform your initial tunes in positive and then negative.


  • Hi  ,

    Your recipe is good for the G6546A, but you still need to make sure your are not saturating the detector, the first page on how to prepare the tune mix and what to be carefull with is important. 

    For the G6546A, never mind on the valve on the left side of the source, this was for the previous versions of QTOF.

    Please start with a new tuning mix solution and make sure you do not have major contamination in positive, if not, then perform your initial tunes in positive and then negative.


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