Agilent 6120 Quadrupole LC/MS Pumpdown/Vent does not start correctly?!

Hello Agilent Community,

we have a 1200 series HPLC system with a 6120 quadrupole MS. For maintenance work we had to vent the MS system. After shutdown, the turbo pump 1 still shows a speed of around 2% (power: ~ 6 W) and also for the rough vacuum it shows 172 torr. Is this normal? When starting the pumpdown procedure, the blue progress bar in the Chemstation software straightly goes to the right where it says temperature on, but the turbo pump does not seem to start (still stays at ~2% speed). Is there anything I can do?

Also, as a note, our Edwards rough vaccum pump is not directly connected to the MS because there have been issues with spontaneous power outages.

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