Our lab is experiencing SureMass data conversion problems with our LC-qTOF 6546 data files. We collect in profile and centroid. Our method is 9.5 minutes long. It is marketed as a urine overdose screen, so we often have very saturated peaks. Many repeated attempts to collect data for the same sample will not allow it to be converted. There are no spaces in the file names. It has been suggested by multiple Agilent specialists that CPU capacity is the problem and we should not convert when anything else is running on the PC. However, even when the data file is moved to a separate data analysis computer, Quant crashes after about 2.5 minutes attempting to convert a single file to SureMass. I have removed all active antivirus software since our instrument PCs are not networked. They are the most robust PCs that Agilent has to offer. When running a sequence, a DA failure activates the acquisition cleanup script and stops the sequence, which is inconvenient, especially over night when no one is able to monitor the instrument. When the DA failure happens, the only solution is to dilute the sample (factor of 100 or higher) and repeat data collection. The problem is becoming more frequent and delaying patient care. Has anyone found a solution to the SureMass data conversion problem?