My name is Ben Niemi from the New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories. We are currently running 6470 QQQ LC-MS/MS with a 1260 Infinity II LC Stack.
Recently we've encountered some condensation issues in our column compartment on the line that comes up from our autosampler line. Our autosampler line goes from 4°C in the autosampler to 50°C in the column compartment. Our lab humidity has recently been around 60% humidity. The condensation got to the point where it triggered the leak detector and shut the instrument down during warm up.
Our building manager has said that it's not the building environmental system that's at fault and that we should insulate our line to keep it from sweating. The operating specs for the instrument says that its operating range is <85% at 35°C, so I doubt there's any arguing with our building manager.
Is there anyone that has encountered a similar issue? Or have any recommendations/advice that we could try?
Thank you,
Benjamin “Ben” Niemi
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