Hi all,
I'm pretty confused on how tuning for the instrument works and I keep hearing different things from different techs.
Since I've started, I've been taught:
- if system has been vented and pumped down, do a Qtof system tune in both polarities (but do both polarities separately), then Qtof transmission tune both polarities (separate polarities), TOF fragile ions tune (separate polarities), QTof mass check both polarities, and TOFmass calibration fragile ions (separate polarities).
- if changing tune mix, redo transmission tunes and mass checks (including fragile ions, separately)
-for daily use, just do mass checks (including fragile ions, separately)
I've been told by a tech to only do system tune if other tunes (i.e. mass check) are failing. Otherwise, even if the system has been vented, there is no need to do a system tune. I was also told that a transmission tune does not need to be done after changing tuning solution, unless mass checks are failing.
I've been told by another tech to never do QTOF transmission tune; only do tof transmission tune, THEN quad transmission tune. Never together. And to only do transmission tune after either a check tune or system tune; never two transmission tunes back to back (i.e. don't do : Tof transmission tune positive -> tof transmission tune negative -> quad transmission tune positive -> quad transmission tune negative)
I've also been told by a tech that a system tune encompasses the transmission tunes and mass checks as well, so if the system tune passes, there is no need to do a transmission tune or mass check. Would I still need to do the transmission TOF fragile ion tunes and mass check fragile ions separately though, and just not the normal ones? Just to clarify, we do system tune in 3200 range and transmission and mass checks in low 1700 range.
Can someone who uses the fragile ions options explain to me how they regularly do tunes? I'm assuming it is standard practice to do a mass check before each run. But what about transmission and system tunes? I've also been told that running too many transmission tunes can hurt the instrument.
Is there a standardized order for running tunes?
I also want to clarify that I don't think these techs are wrong - I'm just so confused and probably not understanding properly. Just want to make sure I am following best practices.
Thank you.