Reduced Peak Response (Area and Height) with Different Initial Solvent Composition


I've been a experiencing an issue with decreasing peak response (both peak area and peak height) when changing the initial conditions of my solvent composition. I have a single analyte (which I unfortunately cannot provide any details of) in my method, which in some ways makes troubleshooting easier, though makes it trickier in other ways.

Please see the below table for general method and results comparison, and chromatogram. Method 1 is isocratic and starts at a high percentage of organic as this was a method I was using with a field service tech to troubleshoot some hardware issues. Once those issues were resolved, I adjusted the method by reducing the starting composition to 60% organic, but in doing so, get less 53% peak area and 40% peak height. Standard-to-internal standard ratios are similar between the two methods.

Method 1 Method 2
Injection Vol. (uL) 20 20
Flow Rate (mL/min) 0.6 0.6
Pump (Isocratic) 80% ACN 60% ACN
Separation Temp (degC) 40 40
Scan Type dMRM dMRM
RT of Analyte (min) 0.7 1.4
Avg Peak Height of Analyte (n = 3) 108393 43170
Peak Height Repeatability (n = 3) 2.3% 2.2%
Avg Peak Area of Analyte (n = 3) 304464 162487
Peak Area Repeatability (n = 3) 2.4% 1.1%
Avg STD:ISTD (n = 3) 12.3 12.2
STD:ISTD Repeatability (n = 3) 0.8% 0.7%

Am I missing something obvious? Does this point to a method/application problem or a hardware problem? Any insight would be greatly welcomed!

  • Hi  ,

    I hope you are well.

    Without knowing the compound of interest, it will be hard to help you via the community, but I do have some questions for you:

    1- What is the t0 (dead time) of your injection, to make sure the compound is not coming out in your solvent front?

    2- You are in dMRM, please go in Full scan and inject both to make sure that at 60% ACN you are not getting less M+H+ and more and M+Adduct+ (sodium, potassium, etc). 

    3- If you apply the ISTD correction, you probably get the same results, but did the noise also dropped by 53%?

    4- The fact that your %RSD is good with n=3 shows the LC and MS should be in good shape and this will be more application related.

    5- What is the pH of mobile phase A and what is it? This will be important with the pka of your analyte of interest.


  • Hi both

    From the chromatogram and the limited method details, I would hazard a guess that the column dimensions are 2.1 x 50mm, giving a t0 around 0.6 minutes; the green peak is probably not retained.


  • Thank you both,   and  !

    I confirmed with mgmt that I can disclose the compound of interest. I am developing a method for 6PPD-quinone.

    1. Excellent question about dead time. I'll admit we don't know the dead time of our instrument... I know uracil is typically used for dead time determination of HPLC-UV. Is this applicable to MS as well? I'd gladly accept any resources if you have any. Slight smile However, I am fairly certain the peak at 80% ACN starting conditions is not retained. We were just using these conditions to speed things up for some other troubleshooting.
      And apologies for forgetting to mention my column. I am using a Poroshell 120 C8 3 x 50 mm, 1.9 μm.
    2. I haven't had a chance to try this yet, but it is on my list to look at.
    3. Noise is quite comparable... around 1 x 102 for results from both methods.
    4. Yes, this is what I suspected.
    5. Mobile phase A is 0.2% formic acid in water. pH is 2. Estimated pKa of 6PPD-quinone varies from -4.02 to 11.8!

    I repeated this experiment with triplicate injections from the same vial at different starting conditions from 40% ACN to 80% ACN (10% ACN resolution), ensuring equilibration of the column between. Surprisingly, I did not get similar results to what I initially inquired about. Average peak area for the analyte using method with 80% ACN results in 70% of peak area for analyte using method with 60% ACN. Other starting conditions gave similar results to the 60%. I am planning on doing some more repeats to ensure day-to-day repeatability with the 60% ACN starting conditions, where my peak is well-retained and resulted (at least in this most recent test!) in acceptable SNRs. I'm going to mark this as solved, but may be back in the future. Thanks again for your suggestions!!

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