Issue with Injector Program

Hello, I am trying to create a calibration curve using the injector program function. I injected the calibration standards of each level (5 in total), and the linearity is OK until the highest standard. The area response is lower than expected. I have attached an example as well as the injector program I am using. Does anyone have suggestions for how to fix it? 

Parents Reply
  • Hi  

    I did the calculations again and now get the same as you.  Wish I'd kept my original spreadsheet to see what I typed wrong!

    I echo the comment from  .  Mixing is always a challenge with these injector programs.

    I've come across exactly the same problem and used mixing in the vial to solve the problem.  After each eject step, I would draw the full volume from the vial with a low needle height and eject with a higher needle height (probably at higher speed!).  It's been a long time since I did this, but I vaguely doing this more than once for each sample.


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