Determining cause of random peak

Agilent 1260 infinity II HPLC, BioRad column  using 0.0025 M sulfuric acid isocratic run. DAD detector.  Been using the method for a while and recently a random peak has shown up at 8 minutes. Have tried rinsing the system with ACN, Meoh, Water. Three different sources of water and sulfuric acid. Tried several different vials and have removed septum. See peak with both needle rinse  and without. Tried using different channels. Replaced lamp due to hours. Pressure is consistent. Peak shows up when injecting MP removed from the MP being used. It is not a huge peak about 33 to 100 area units. If I inject Meoh or acn the peak will increase. I tried a blank run and the peak is gone but a blank run does not activate Rheodyne valve. This one has me stumped. Open for any suggestions.

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