Agilent 1260 Infinity drops on baseline


we experienced regular drops (every 15- 20 minutes) on baseline on our HPLC 1260 Infinity type. We tried to echange lamp and cell if that could be the problem but it is still happenning. Also we had kinde broken housing plunger but even after exchanging that nothing helped and the drops are still there. Can somebody help me suggest anything we could try to do the get rid of the drop as they are preventing as to run analysis. Thank you so much.

  • Have you checked the signal without having the flow cell installed?

    You can also check if you can trace the lamp's anode voltage signal and see if there is coincidental fluctuation.

    In this case the lamp is either being too old or defect.

    First rule with signal issues is always to separate liquid flow path from optical path.

    Depending on your detector type (GXX15 i guess), you can easily just remove the flow cell.

    With G4212X or G7117X type detectors you would require a dedicated test flow cell.


  • Have you checked the signal without having the flow cell installed?

    You can also check if you can trace the lamp's anode voltage signal and see if there is coincidental fluctuation.

    In this case the lamp is either being too old or defect.

    First rule with signal issues is always to separate liquid flow path from optical path.

    Depending on your detector type (GXX15 i guess), you can easily just remove the flow cell.

    With G4212X or G7117X type detectors you would require a dedicated test flow cell.


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