
Hi ,what is the definition/the meaning of (level) in calibration curve?

Can two compounds or more have the same level?

Thank you.

  • Hi there

    Level to me is the standard number. So standard 1 could be level 1 etc. Usually when I do calibrations my standards 1,2,3,4,5 etc have levels 1,2,3,4,5 etc and yes more than one compound can have the same level
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  • A level is a concentration for 1 given compound. 

    1 level can have multiple compounds (since each compounds has different levels) but a level cannot have different concentration or amount for a given compound.

    So if I have a mix of Fructose and Sucrose I can do a calibration of 4 concentration. I then inject my 4 different standard and each of them will have a level 1 through 4, that I have added in my sequence. Then in my table, I will assign a concentration for the 4 levels of sucrose and then the 4 levels of sucrose. That will give me a curve.

  • Hi,

    Here are some definitions for you:

    Calibrated compound: compound for which a calibration table exists.

    Calibration: the process of defining instrument response to a known amount of a particular compound. The resulting calibration curve is used to quantitate the amount of that compound in a sample of unknown concentration.

    The instrument response measured for chromatographic data is integrated peak height or area. Mixtures of non-interfering (non-coeluting) compounds can be used to define the response of many compounds in a single calibration. Retention times and response factors for the compounds are then placed in a calibration.

    Calibration curve: graph of the concentration and response data obtained from one or more calibration samples. The curve shows how a given compound responds in area counts to varying concentrations under the same instrument conditions and in the presence of constant concentration of an internal standard (if present). To provide reliable results, a calibration curve should have at least two levels that bracket the amount expected to be found in the unknown samples.

    Calibration levela point or a set of points on a calibration curve. It is defined by an amount in the processing method and a response corresponding to that amount. For single level calibrations, the calibration level number is always one. To obtain reliable quantitative results, a calibration curve should have at least two levels, that is multiple level calibration.

    Calibration pointOne individual calibration point is added when you process a calibration standard. If there are several standards with the same level, an average point is automatically calculated.

    Calibration standard: a sample containing a known amount of the compound to quantify. In the software, the calibration standard is referred to as an injection from the calibration standard vial.

    Calibration table: a multi-dimensional matrix that defines the response of each different compound at each different concentration.

    Response=f(Amount), or Amount=f(Response)

    It is a graphical representation of the amount and response information for the compound in the calibration table

    Compound: A chemical compound can comprise several peaks, in a multi-signal calibration, typically one per signal. In a single signal calibration, a compound refers to one peak.

    Compound table: part of the method where you specify the names and retention times of the analyzed compounds.


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