Open-Lab CDS 2.3 version

Dear all,

Just quick help needed, basically we are using Ezchrom wherein the area response is in millions but last year we moved to open lab CDS2.3 version, in this software with the same concentration of sample and the area response comes in thousands which have big impact in term of uncertainty between Ezchrom and open-lab because in our other lab they are still using Ezchrom but not Open-lab.I am worry about method transfer. Can you please guide me how to set the area response in open lab CDS 2.3 version.

  • I'm not too much into CDSes, since I'm responsible for detector hardware only, but this seems to be the correct service note. This is an "Information only" one, so it can be distributed to customers who need it.


    Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis Service Note

    Service Note Number: OpenLAB CDS-017B Supersedes: True

    Title: Different Peak areas and heights in EZChrom CDS and OpenLAB CDS 2.x

    This service note outlines the impact of peak area and height result deviations between EZChrom and CDS 2.x and how to
    adjust the CDS 2.x results for better comparison with EZChrom results.
    Compared to the previous service note release, this update introduces the RID scaling factor and corrects the FLD's unit.


    Parts Required:


    An analysis done by CDS 2.x results in different peak areas and heights compared to EZChrom Elite and OpenLAB CDS
    EZChrom edition. While calibrated results, Area% and Height% are not affected, absolute peak areas and heights differ by
    detector dependent scaling factors in case you analyze the same sample with the same method in both CDSs.
    Also, when you import EZChrom data into CDS 2.x, the EZChrom units for peak area and peak height are maintained and
    differ from the results from samples being analyzed directly by CDS 2.x


    Using the 2.x Intelligent Reporting or Custom Calculation, a detector dependent scaling factor can be applied in order to
    adjust the CDS 2.x results for better comparison.
    Scaled areas/heights with detector specific units can be obtained by multiplying the unit-less EZChrom “counts” by the
    matching detector specific scaling factor.
    Peak Height [CDS 2.x] = Peak Height [EZChrom] * Scaling factor
    Peak Area [CDS 2.x] = Peak Area [EZChrom] * Scaling factor
    Likewise, unscaled areas/heights, i.e. detector counts, can be obtained by dividing the CDS 2.x data by the scaling factor.
    Peak Height [EZChrom] = Peak Height [CDS 2.x] / Scaling factor
    Peak Area [EZChrom] = Peak Area [CDS 2.x] / Scaling factor
    In order to obtain CDS 2.x equivalent values for GC signals in the appropriate scale for each detector, the reported value in
    EZChrom must be divided by 7680 for all detector types. This is based on the GC Least Significant Value (1/7680), i.e. the
    scaling factor to put into the formulas is 1/7680.
    For Agilent LC detector signals the scaling factors used to transform Peak Area and Height from counts to detector units are
    as follows:
    VWD Detector Models - G1314A\G1314B\G1314C\G1314D\G1314E\G1314F\G7114A\G7114B
    Scaling Factor = 0.000059604644775390625 mAU (=1000/2^24)
    DAD\MWD Detector Models - G1315A\G1315B\G1315C\G1315D\G1365A\G1365B\G1365C\G1365D\G7115A
    Scaling Factor = 0.000476837158203125 mAU (=1000/2^21)
    DAD Detector Models - G4212A\G4212B\G7117A\G7117B\G7117C
    Scaling Factor = 0.000007450580596923828125 mAU (=1000/2^27)
    FLD Detector Models - G1321A\G1321B\G1321C
    Scaling Factor - 0.0000059604644775390625 LU (=100/2^24)
    RID Detector Models G1362A\G7162A\G7162B
    Scaling Factor = 100 nRIU
    Serial Numbers:
    Serial Low Serial High
    SN OPENLAB CDS-017B Page 1 of 2

    Additional Information:
    No additional training is required to implement the actions described in this service note.
    Related Products:
    Date:5/17/2019 2:40:05 AM
    Administrative Information:
    Classification: Information Only
    Author: GOLDBECKER,VOLKER (A-Germany,ex1)
    Additional Information:
    Copyright 2019 Agilent Technologies
    Printed in U.S.A.
    SN OPENLAB CDS-017B Page 2 of 2

  • I thought it might be useful to have these scaling factors in a custom calculation file.  So here it is attached to this reply.


    Here's one of the calculations just as an example:



    All you need to do is place this in the methods folder of your OpenLab CDS project and reference it in the processing method in Data Analysis.



    Processing the injections now includes calculation of the areas that would have been observed in EZChrom



    If you don't want all of the calculations, simply disable the one(s) in the calculation file that you don't want to see in the Injection Results window.


    ...all of the usual small print applies...


  • I thought it might be useful to have these scaling factors in a custom calculation file.  So here it is attached to this reply.


    Here's one of the calculations just as an example:



    All you need to do is place this in the methods folder of your OpenLab CDS project and reference it in the processing method in Data Analysis.



    Processing the injections now includes calculation of the areas that would have been observed in EZChrom



    If you don't want all of the calculations, simply disable the one(s) in the calculation file that you don't want to see in the Injection Results window.


    ...all of the usual small print applies...


No Data
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