Problemas con HPLC Agilent 1200 / modelo G1311A

Hola, estuve haciendo una curva de calibración con varios analitos de estudio, también realice la validación y pruebas en muestras reales. Después vino el service a hacer el mantenimiento, y cuando retomo las pruebas que venia haciendo en las mismas condiciones que venia trabajando, los valores de las áreas de fluorescencia disminuyeron a la mitad comparado con antes del service. En teoría el service me dijo que lo que realizo no debería haber afectado los valores. Con el detector de absorbancia los valores se mantuvieron antes y despues del service y solo se altero en fluorescencia. Realice varias tareas para ir descartando posibles problemas, se mencionan abajo:

  • Procedí a limpiar la lampara.
  • Probé con dos concentraciones (una al principio y otra al final de la curva de calibración), de dos compuestos fluorescentes (uno eluyó al principio y otro al final).
  • Hice varias pruebas con mi sistema de estudio en las condiciones que siempre trabaje (antes y despues del service)

Aun no pude resolver de donde viene el problema del detector de fluorescencia, si alguien puede darme una mano para poder finalizar mi trabajo, se lo agradezco de antemano.


Soledad Moyano

  • Hello,

    it would help, if you write your query in English.

    I understood that after a PM you now have lower response on the FLD but on the UV you got the same results as before, right? If so, please tell us more about your configuration.

    Usually a PM on an FLD does not include any parts, so the engineer simply followed the PM checklist?

    Sometimes it's better to check what is working, before looking at things that don't work. What's the intensity test like? What height did the two concentrations have before the PM and after? Did you ever use a response factor in your method and it possibly got reset?

    What do mean by "cleaning the lamp?" Theoretically the Xe-lamp could be cleaned from the outside, but it won't help. Same is true for the lamp house window and the first component in the light path, the EX condenser. The next parts (mirror and EX grating) must not be cleaned at all. If there's a contamination or degradation, the parts need to be replaced, followed by a calibration with Glycogen. However, all parts inside the module are only to be touched by a trained engineer. If you really (re-)moved the lamp, your alignment might be completely off.

  • Hello,

    it would help, if you write your query in English.

    I understood that after a PM you now have lower response on the FLD but on the UV you got the same results as before, right? If so, please tell us more about your configuration.

    Usually a PM on an FLD does not include any parts, so the engineer simply followed the PM checklist?

    Sometimes it's better to check what is working, before looking at things that don't work. What's the intensity test like? What height did the two concentrations have before the PM and after? Did you ever use a response factor in your method and it possibly got reset?

    What do mean by "cleaning the lamp?" Theoretically the Xe-lamp could be cleaned from the outside, but it won't help. Same is true for the lamp house window and the first component in the light path, the EX condenser. The next parts (mirror and EX grating) must not be cleaned at all. If there's a contamination or degradation, the parts need to be replaced, followed by a calibration with Glycogen. However, all parts inside the module are only to be touched by a trained engineer. If you really (re-)moved the lamp, your alignment might be completely off.

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