We have a 6890N with a 5973 MS.
The instrument lost detection of the heavier peaks from the PFTBA. If it is left to tune until failure, it will lose 501 completely. The foreline pressure is typically about 75. The ion gauge reads 1.0E-4. Before the tunes became unreadable, there were water and O2 present (we have an H2 carrier gas) but a leak could not be found using argon. The scans had N2 contamination the signal peaks were overwhelmed.
The ion source was cleaned and the EI replaced on both sides. The column and source were baked out. The PFTBA is full. The column was confirmed to have flow and new ferrules added. A new vac pump has been ordered for testing because we did have a spare for comparison.
What could be responsible for the bad signal?
- 0.67 psi
- 34.1 mL/min
- 0.68 psi
- 1.1 mL/min
MS Source - 230 C
MS Quad - 150 C