Hi, I cant seem to get the temps on the MSD to come on and I am gtting a solid red LED fault.
It all started when I changed a column.
The MSD pumpowns ok with turbo 100%
So, I rebooted, but the MSD LED blinked red and then solid red and showed a fault on the front Panel.
I am using MassHunter and when the tune file is loaded the set temps for Quad/Source are OK, but the actual temps are defaulting to over 500C? These are obviously not real.
Also, if I press the vac control icon the control panel momentarily open & shuts.
I have tried
1. resetting the set temps, but nothing happens.
2.I have also rebooted MSD (also tried rebooting all peripherals including masshunter at sametime).
3. I have tried above on the GC front panel & through MassHunter software
Anything else I can try?
Thanks for any help.