We have been encountering an issue with our GC-MS system that is connected to a Markes TD100-xr. Every maybe 6 months the following error has popped up:
'Source: ManualMode. Message: Run Method Error - Consult Logbook.
Source: ManualMode. Message: Error: error: Timeout - Download command timed out; User aborted run.'
Last, it occured during a sequence, where it had succesfully run 127 samples, and then at sample 128 the error happened, and the instrument stopped.
Here is the part of the error sequence info file where the error appears:
if eqstr(getinistring$("","PCS","universal"),"UNIVERSAL")=1
RunStart 1
Run method initiated to collect 12801097.D
Error: error: Timeout - Download command timed out
Download command timed out
5. oktober 2024 16:13:33
Macro: RUNMETHOD, Cmd: RunStart 1
Msg: Error: error: Timeout - Download command timed out
_ManualMode 1,_$(21451,"Run Method Error - Consult Logbook."),,1
print _error,_errmsg$
1 Error: error: Timeout - Download command timed out
local dattemp$,retvials$
local OK
if ErrorHappened <> 0
MMCheckError OK
local RD_Log
RD_Log = 0
It is a 7890A / 5977B GC-MS connected to a Windows 10 PC with MassHunter Acquisition10.1.49.
Surprisingly, the 7890A is configured as a 7890B, and I am unsure whether this might introduce some problems. I tried to reconfigure it as a 7890A, but it would not let me.
The reason why it is such a big issue is that the thermal desorption instrument and its software for some reason does not recognize that the GC-MS is in an error/not ready mode, and it keeps desorbing the tubes - and then they are lost for good.
Any ideas for things to try? Since the error only comes rarely, it is quite tricky to troubleshoot.