7000 QQQ GC/MS Keeps Going Offline

Hi, we have exactly the same problem with Agilent 7000 QQQ. Power cycling sometimes helps but after a while we have the same problem again, MS goes offline during the run. We already tried bridging the power button and have already replaced the internal computer of the MS/MS. However, we still have the same problem. 

Have you found a solution?

  • I split this question about a 7000 QQQ away from the other question about a 7200 QTOF.

    Bridging the power button could cause significant electronic damage!  That is dangerous and should never be done on any electronic device.

    The MS goes offline during a run.  Are there any error/fault codes?  What is the status of the computer and GC when this happens?  Have you looked in the run logs? The sequence logs?  What model 7000 QQQ and what version of MassHunter Acquisition software is running?

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