Hi all,
We are experiencing some issues with our Agilent 5977B (HES source) GC-MS after it was vented to replace the column.
The system started as usual. After pumpdown we executed an air and water check, which produced an empty mass spectra (as in no data, neither calibrant or background ions) whereupon the software crashed. When trying to restart, Masshunter starts up but provides an error message: "GCMS Acquisition did not comple its initialization cycle" and then exists again.
The only way to restart Masshunter is to powercycle the MSD. However, when we then tried to tune the MSD the m/z signals were very broad, no visible C13 isotope etc. Then after few minutes it stops, and gives this error message: "Tune action stopped: Improper masses for mass axis calibration"
We tried to change the filament to a brand new, looked at all connections and so on but nothing works.
Has anyone experienced something similar before?