Need help ! Atune passes, but etune does not

Hi, I am having trouble with etune. After replacing the filament, etune does not pass with this error massage : "tune action stopped : divide by zero"

But atune passes with no problem.

I checked all the connection and assembly status of extractor source and found no problem.

And I replaced the filament again with a new one but problem was not fixed.

Picture of Error message:


Lastest etune report(just before this happened)


Atune report


  • Please read through the blog article series "Which Electron Ionization Ion Source"  -- especially  Which Electron Ionization Ion Source? Part 3 of 4   The differences between atune and etune are detailed there.

    The atune you show is on filament 2 and the etune is on filament 1.  

    Normally the error is generated when the system is performing a ramp / gain curve action and either a value is missing or outside an expected range. Observe the tune action carefully to see at what point exactly the error occurs.  This has also been caused by a corrupt tune file. Try loading a previous version that worked and tune again.   

    Or a simple thing to try is to create an Instrument 2 and try an atune and etune there.  That loads the default tune files for both and doesn't change what you are already doing on Instrument 1.

    This has also been seen with a corrupted MassHunter Acquisition where doing a 'repair install' resolved it.

  • Wow! It works. Thanks a lot! 

    I replaced the etune file with a previous one and it worked.

    I guess something may have changed the etune file.

    Thank you for your sincere and kind reply!

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