SIM quant on 7010QQQ different results than SIM on 5977 GCMS

Running same calibration set on a 5977 GCMS and a 7010QQQ both in SIM mode. 7010 is run split 1:25 and several different gain values on 7010 while 5977 is splitless with uniform gain. I get vastly different results when running sample calibration and sample set on both instruments. Why?

  • More information is needed.

    Which versions of MassHunter Acquisition on both? Which samplers, syringes, inlet septa, liners, injection ports, columns, carrier gases, gas supply pressures, 5977 ion source type, last PM dates, number of runs on both systems, time since last inlet maintenance, time since the columns were replaced, time since last source cleanings, time since the EMs were replaced....

    Please share the calibration curves and calibration concentration ranges from both.  What ISTD is being used? What sample type? What solvents are being injected?

    Please share the acqmeth.txt file from both system's run method subdirectories.  On the 7010, please also share the acqmethtq.pdf file contents.

    Please share chromatograms with the Y-axis scales.  Because of its design, the 7010's HES ion source puts out something like 20x more ions than the extractor ion source.  This type of issue is frequently caused by ion source overload from concentrations that are too high.

    Are you tuning the TQ with the collision cell gases on and then trying to run it with the collision cell gases off?

    Answers to these questions have led to understanding what's happening on other systems....

  • More information is needed.

    Which versions of MassHunter Acquisition on both? Which samplers, syringes, inlet septa, liners, injection ports, columns, carrier gases, gas supply pressures, 5977 ion source type, last PM dates, number of runs on both systems, time since last inlet maintenance, time since the columns were replaced, time since last source cleanings, time since the EMs were replaced....

    Please share the calibration curves and calibration concentration ranges from both.  What ISTD is being used? What sample type? What solvents are being injected?

    Please share the acqmeth.txt file from both system's run method subdirectories.  On the 7010, please also share the acqmethtq.pdf file contents.

    Please share chromatograms with the Y-axis scales.  Because of its design, the 7010's HES ion source puts out something like 20x more ions than the extractor ion source.  This type of issue is frequently caused by ion source overload from concentrations that are too high.

    Are you tuning the TQ with the collision cell gases on and then trying to run it with the collision cell gases off?

    Answers to these questions have led to understanding what's happening on other systems....

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