One of the test for the GCMS is VOC, and the method has 14 different VOC components, with 2 I.S.. The split ratio is 10:1. The problem I am facing is some components cannot meet the R^2 requirement, R^2 > 0.995. Sometime meets the requirements but sometime don't. I am not sure what causing that problem.
For GCMS, the tune report is fine, abound for m/z 69 is around 400K, EM volt is around 2300. regular maintenance of septum, liner.
For sample prep, 14 different individual std, analytical standard grade. usually make a stock (1000ppm, all in one flask) and then 5 different cal point, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20ppm. tried to share the volumetric flask as much as I can each time.
Talked to our engineer, from his point of view, if the tune report is fine, the gcms is fine. It gets me thinking how I can ensure the calibration curve pass the requirements (R^2 > 0.995) everytime.