
We are having issues with our PBDE method on GC-MSMS. We had a method developed using applications from Agilent for GC and MSMS conditions. When we run linearity, it seems our surrogates and/or internal standards increase in concentration as the native standard concentration increases (like a linear correlation) when they are all added at the same level. This effect occurs with the higher massed analytes, primarily Octa, Nona and Deca-BDE.

We have tried manufactured standards, making our own from serial dilution, different columns, different injection volumes and sandwiched techniques. 

The current method uses a pulsed spitless injection with gradient temperature in the MMI. When we tried a splitless technique or isocratic MMI we could not see BDE-209 (deca).

  • Hello,

    Seeing creeping internal standards means your standards may be sticking to your source.  So my first question is what is your source temperature?  We may need to increase the temp.

    A common fix to the creeping internal standard problem is to move to the 6mm or 9mm extraction lens.  I will link part numbers below.  I suggest you go to the 9mm as we have this same problem with PAHs and the 9mm fixes the issues.  However there is a tradeoff when you open the extraction lens aperture.  So there may be merit in first testing the 6mm then testing the 9mm.  The larger the aperture, the lower the resonance time for ionization.  So you may lose some sensitivity using the larger apertures.  Overall you will need to go to either the 6mm or the 9mm lens.  Its just a question of how big of a tradeoff in sensitivity you want to make.

    6mm Lens - G3870-20448 | Agilent

    9mm Lens - G3870-20449 | Agilent  

  • Thanks for the response. 

    We actually run PAH as well and do see the same creeping on some of the heavier compounds (Dibenzopyrenes) but nothing near what we are seeing with PBDE. For the PAH we run a little hotter at 300C, the PBDE we have at 280C. I believe that I looked at the source temperature but maybe I was only evaluating sensitivity at the time. I'll have another look. 

    We just got the instrument back up and running after some downtime. I am also finding the Hepta to Deca very sensitive to a clean system (source, liner). We were lost some of the compounds in this range after the downtime.

    Any further pieces of advice or tidbits are always appreciated.

  • Is this an HES ion source or the extractor ion source?  280° to 300° C is not that much different and you may even need to go hotter for the PAHs depending on the range. Remember there is a signfiicant boiling point depression under vacuum.  Make sure and wait long enough for thermal stability after changing temperatures, like at least an hour or two. Then tune at the new temperature as the source temperature affects the spectral tilt, the relative response for the tune ions.

    Are you sure the sensitivity to clean is to the source and not the inlet?  Inlet cleanliness affects more compounds and affects them sooner than source cleanliness does.

    Would you please share the files   acqmeth.txt and acqmethtq.pdf that are in Windows Explorer underneath your method's  XXXX.D subdirectory along with the latest autotune report?

  • Sorry for the delay in response (I was away). Attached is the acq method for the GC and MS as well as the tune report. I have also included a photo of the results of cleaning the source, followed by the inlet. This is my first time attaching files so hopefully this worked. 


                        INSTRUMENT CONTROL PARAMETERS:    GCQQQ-2
       D:\MassHunter\GCMS\1\methods\EC PBDE\Validation\20240422 PBDE dMRM.M
          Mon Jul 29 11:47:00 2024
    Control Information
    ------- -----------
    Sample Inlet             : GC
    Injection Source         : GC ALS
    Injection Location:  Front
    Mass Spectrometer        : Enabled
     No Sample Prep method has been assigned to this method.
    GC Summary
    Run Time                                     14.417 min
    Post Run Time                                0 min
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    80 °C
    Hold Time                                    1 min
    Post Run                                     340 °C
    #1 Rate                                      40 °C/min
    #1 Value                                     230 °C
    #1 Hold Time                                 3 min
    #2 Rate                                      30 °C/min
    #2 Value                                     325 °C
    #2 Hold Time                                 3.5 min
    Equilibration Time                           0.5 min
    Max Temperature                              350 °C
    Maximum Temperature Override                 Disabled
    Slow Fan                                     Disabled
    Front Injector
    Syringe Size                                 10 μL
    Injection Volume                             2 μL
    Solvent A Washes (PreInj)                    0
    Solvent A Washes (PostInj)                   5
    Solvent A Volume                             8 μL
    Solvent B Washes (PreInj)                    1
    Solvent B Washes (PostInj)                   5
    Solvent B Volume                             8 μL
    Sample Washes                                0
    Sample Wash Volume                           1 μL
    Sample Pumps                                 2
    Dwell Time (PreInj)                          0 min
    Dwell Time (PostInj)                         0 min
    Solvent Wash Draw Speed                      300 μL/min
    Solvent Wash Dispense Speed                  3000 μL/min
    Sample Wash Draw Speed                       300 μL/min
    Sample Wash Dispense Speed                   3000 μL/min
    Injection Dispense Speed                     6000 μL/min
    Viscosity Delay                              2 sec
    Sample Depth                                 Disabled
    Injection Type                               Standard
    L1 Airgap                                    0.2 μL
    Solvent Wash Mode                            A, B
    Sample Overlap
    Mode                                         Sample overlap is not enabled
    ALS Errors                                   Pause for user interaction
    Front MM Inlet He
    Front MM Inlet He Temperature
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    100 °C
    Hold Time                                    0.2 min
    #1 Rate                                      900 °C/min
    #1 Value                                     330 °C
    #1 Hold Time                                 3 min
    Mode                                         Pulsed Splitless
    Pressure                                     On    15.407 psi
    Total Flow                                   On    54 mL/min
    Septum Purge Flow                            On    3 mL/min
    Septum Purge Flow Mode                       Switched
    Pre-Run Flow Test                            Off
    Gas Saver                                    On    15 mL/min after 3 min
    Injection Pulse Pressure                     50 psi Until 1.5 min
    Purge Flow to Split Vent                     50 mL/min at 2.5 min
    Cryo                                         On
    Cryo Type                                    N2
    Fast Cooldown                                On
    Cryo Use Temperature                         125 °C
    Timeout Detection                            On    10 min
    Fault Detection                              On
    Liner                                        Agilent 5190-4006: 200 μL (Splitless, dimpled, Ultra Inert)
    Back SS Inlet He
    Mode                                         Split
    Heater                                       Off
    Pressure                                     Off
    Total Flow                                   Off
    Septum Purge Flow                            Off
    Pre-Run Flow Test                            Off
    Liner                                        A Liner has not been selected.
    Column #1
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    1 mL/min
    Post Run                                     1.2 mL/min
    Column Information                           Agilent 19091A-008: ECU01
    Description                                  Ultra 1
    Temperature Range                            -60 °C—325 °C (350 °C)
    Dimensions                                   17 m x 200 μm x 0.11 μm (Uncalibrated)
    Main Segment Heated By                       Oven
    Segment inSeg                                Heated By Oven: 1.5 m x 180 μm x 0 μm
    Column lock                                  Unlocked
    In                                           Front MM Inlet He
    Out                                          MSD 
    (Initial)                                    80 °C
    Pressure                                     15.407 psi
    Flow                                         1 mL/min
    Average Velocity                             48.102 cm/sec
    Holdup Time                                  0.641 min
    Control Mode                                 Constant Flow
    Column Outlet Pressure                       0 psi
    Detector Evaluation
    Perform Detector Evaluation Test             Off
    Signal Selected                              No Signal Selected
    Checkout Sample                              None
    MSD Transfer Line
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    325 °C
    Collision Cell/Aux
    Setpoint                                     Off
    (Initial)                                    10 psi
    Post Run                                     10 psi
    Quench Gas He                                On    4 mL/min
    Collision Gas N2                             On    1.5 mL/min
    PSD 1
    Setpoint                                     Off
    (Initial)                                    3.2897 psi
    Post Run                                     50 psi
    PSD Purge                                    Off
    Signal #1: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #2: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #3: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #4: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #5: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #6: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #7: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #8: 
    Description                                  None

  • Sorry for the delay in response (I was away). Attached is the acq method for the GC and MS as well as the tune report. I have also included a photo of the results of cleaning the source, followed by the inlet. This is my first time attaching files so hopefully this worked. 


                        INSTRUMENT CONTROL PARAMETERS:    GCQQQ-2
       D:\MassHunter\GCMS\1\methods\EC PBDE\Validation\20240422 PBDE dMRM.M
          Mon Jul 29 11:47:00 2024
    Control Information
    ------- -----------
    Sample Inlet             : GC
    Injection Source         : GC ALS
    Injection Location:  Front
    Mass Spectrometer        : Enabled
     No Sample Prep method has been assigned to this method.
    GC Summary
    Run Time                                     14.417 min
    Post Run Time                                0 min
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    80 °C
    Hold Time                                    1 min
    Post Run                                     340 °C
    #1 Rate                                      40 °C/min
    #1 Value                                     230 °C
    #1 Hold Time                                 3 min
    #2 Rate                                      30 °C/min
    #2 Value                                     325 °C
    #2 Hold Time                                 3.5 min
    Equilibration Time                           0.5 min
    Max Temperature                              350 °C
    Maximum Temperature Override                 Disabled
    Slow Fan                                     Disabled
    Front Injector
    Syringe Size                                 10 μL
    Injection Volume                             2 μL
    Solvent A Washes (PreInj)                    0
    Solvent A Washes (PostInj)                   5
    Solvent A Volume                             8 μL
    Solvent B Washes (PreInj)                    1
    Solvent B Washes (PostInj)                   5
    Solvent B Volume                             8 μL
    Sample Washes                                0
    Sample Wash Volume                           1 μL
    Sample Pumps                                 2
    Dwell Time (PreInj)                          0 min
    Dwell Time (PostInj)                         0 min
    Solvent Wash Draw Speed                      300 μL/min
    Solvent Wash Dispense Speed                  3000 μL/min
    Sample Wash Draw Speed                       300 μL/min
    Sample Wash Dispense Speed                   3000 μL/min
    Injection Dispense Speed                     6000 μL/min
    Viscosity Delay                              2 sec
    Sample Depth                                 Disabled
    Injection Type                               Standard
    L1 Airgap                                    0.2 μL
    Solvent Wash Mode                            A, B
    Sample Overlap
    Mode                                         Sample overlap is not enabled
    ALS Errors                                   Pause for user interaction
    Front MM Inlet He
    Front MM Inlet He Temperature
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    100 °C
    Hold Time                                    0.2 min
    #1 Rate                                      900 °C/min
    #1 Value                                     330 °C
    #1 Hold Time                                 3 min
    Mode                                         Pulsed Splitless
    Pressure                                     On    15.407 psi
    Total Flow                                   On    54 mL/min
    Septum Purge Flow                            On    3 mL/min
    Septum Purge Flow Mode                       Switched
    Pre-Run Flow Test                            Off
    Gas Saver                                    On    15 mL/min after 3 min
    Injection Pulse Pressure                     50 psi Until 1.5 min
    Purge Flow to Split Vent                     50 mL/min at 2.5 min
    Cryo                                         On
    Cryo Type                                    N2
    Fast Cooldown                                On
    Cryo Use Temperature                         125 °C
    Timeout Detection                            On    10 min
    Fault Detection                              On
    Liner                                        Agilent 5190-4006: 200 μL (Splitless, dimpled, Ultra Inert)
    Back SS Inlet He
    Mode                                         Split
    Heater                                       Off
    Pressure                                     Off
    Total Flow                                   Off
    Septum Purge Flow                            Off
    Pre-Run Flow Test                            Off
    Liner                                        A Liner has not been selected.
    Column #1
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    1 mL/min
    Post Run                                     1.2 mL/min
    Column Information                           Agilent 19091A-008: ECU01
    Description                                  Ultra 1
    Temperature Range                            -60 °C—325 °C (350 °C)
    Dimensions                                   17 m x 200 μm x 0.11 μm (Uncalibrated)
    Main Segment Heated By                       Oven
    Segment inSeg                                Heated By Oven: 1.5 m x 180 μm x 0 μm
    Column lock                                  Unlocked
    In                                           Front MM Inlet He
    Out                                          MSD 
    (Initial)                                    80 °C
    Pressure                                     15.407 psi
    Flow                                         1 mL/min
    Average Velocity                             48.102 cm/sec
    Holdup Time                                  0.641 min
    Control Mode                                 Constant Flow
    Column Outlet Pressure                       0 psi
    Detector Evaluation
    Perform Detector Evaluation Test             Off
    Signal Selected                              No Signal Selected
    Checkout Sample                              None
    MSD Transfer Line
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    325 °C
    Collision Cell/Aux
    Setpoint                                     Off
    (Initial)                                    10 psi
    Post Run                                     10 psi
    Quench Gas He                                On    4 mL/min
    Collision Gas N2                             On    1.5 mL/min
    PSD 1
    Setpoint                                     Off
    (Initial)                                    3.2897 psi
    Post Run                                     50 psi
    PSD Purge                                    Off
    Signal #1: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #2: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #3: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #4: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #5: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #6: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #7: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #8: 
    Description                                  None

  • The tune report looks good.  

    If you have enough sample volume I'd recommend at least some sample washes. I'd increase to 6 sample pumps to help get a representative sample in the syringe.

    Please turn your gas saver up to 20 ml/min- or even 30 ml/min.  15 ml/min may allow some back diffusion of air into the inlet subsystem and harm your column.

    That is an interesting method with some good choices.  Without experimentation or research, I'd suggest that the oven initial time may need to be longer than 1 minute, or the initial temp lower than 80, or both to get better concentration of the sample at the head of the 1.5m restrictor/column.   I like longer oven equilibration time for better reproducibility, but it may not make a difference with this method.  I wrote that before I looked at : application-pbde-nbfr-in-soil-7000c-gc-ms-5994-0195en-agilent.pdf .... and your method is quite close to that one.  I'm glad you are not using the column flows they chose, though. 

    Are the lower mass analytes fine?  Are the peak shapes of the higher mass analytes normal - they're just bigger than expected? 

  • The lower masses are fine and all peak shapes look nice.

    I can give those suggestions a try when I get things back up and running. I am experiencing a sensitivity loss and need to figure out if it is standards, or the new column I installed.

  • If the lower mass peaks are fine...it's not a mass spec problem.  OK, it's 99.9% that it's not a mass spec problem as long as the temperatures are correct. 

    Are the higher mass peaks reproducibly higher?  Maybe make a new batch of standards...taking all the care required. The person I know running PBDEs says that most issues he sees have come back to standards. 

  • Thanks again. 

    We resolved the issue of sensitivity, a bad column (although brand new). The patterns of the PBDEs weren't what they should be. After much testing we concluded the column has a defect. I have now installed a different column that we had on hand that is different than the previous but still one suggested from an Agilent application. 

    With the mass-labelled standards, I did get a chance to try upping the source to 325C and didn't have any luck (even with this other column - I did test on both). I can give a try to the injection parameters next week (I tested it on the "bad" column with no success).

    I did try to inject a standard with ONLY mass-labelled vs a low standard and found that it looks like enhancement happens even with a minor amount of native added. It isn't very noticeable with the lower congeners but definitely when they get higher, around the Hepta - Deca.

    When we run a full calibration there is a slight increase in area counts for the lower masses but nothing like the high ones. The low masses it can only be noticed between the low and high standard but with higher congeners, it is a positive linear response between all the calibration points.

    The peak shapes all look great with baseline resolution for everything in the test mix.

  • I did a few more experiments today with no success.

    Decreased the time on the pulsed pressure program and the oven temperature to allow more equilibration time

    Tried the source at a hotter temperature (325C) - Last week

    Started using a new column (HP-5MS vs HP-Ultra1) - Last week

    Tried to use the back inlet of the 8890 and did a spitless injection (isocratic temperature)

    There is still the difference in the high congeners (Hepta-Deca) with all these tests for the mass-labelled analytes, increasing as the concentration of the native increases. The mid and low ones seem fine still, reproducible.

  • Two different type inlets are the same. The early eluters are good. The method looks reasonable. The tunes are good.   I'm sorry, but I think we've exhausted about all we can do here on this forum.  The next step would be to contact Agilent (Contact Us and setup a consultation with someone who can look directly at your sample preparation, methods, and the data on your system.    There is every chance that this is normal for these compounds, too, and someone who knows that would be the best person to answer.

    Thank you for your patience and persistence.

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