Need to set up a postrun macro to copy data

I need to set up the postrun expdata.mac file to run on our new instruments but do not recall/cannot find how to actually create this file. I seem to recall moving a file into the msexe folder and then executing it from the command bar on the software but cannot find the file to do so.

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  • This file is hiding on my system in the folder:

    c:\GCMS\Supplemental\Utility Programs\file_transfer\expdata.mac.   

    Copy and paste that file into c:\GCMS\MSEXE.

    from the command line, type:

    macro "expdata.mac" <enter>
    ConfigExport <enter>


    macro "expdata.mac",go  <enter?

    It comes back with:

    !Comments: This macro is a CONTRIBUTED UTILITY to be used for the purpose
    !of exporting data files (and associated directory structure) acquired on HP/Agilent
    !MS ChemStation systems (revision G1034C or higher) to networked or secondary drives.
    !The remote file system MUST have directories created for the file transfer before
    !the configuration process will allow destination selection. The directories MUST
    !be named with a .NET extent (i.e.,, etc.). Once the destination
    !directories have been created, use the ConfigExport macro to select them for use
    !with the instrument. From the command line in TOP, type the following:
    ! macro "expdata.mac" <enter>
    ! ConfigExport <enter>
    !Follow the prompts on the screen to select the destination for data files. This
    !will allow multiple instruments to share the same drive and store the data in
    !individual directories. The configuration information is stored in the same file
    !used by the older CopyData macro.
    !To automate the file transfer, edit your Method and add the following
    !command in the Method Information Post-Run Macro/Command field:
    ! macro "expdata.mac",go
    !This macro performs the Import-style file transfer recognized by the G1701CA
    !Report Manager. Automated processing can be obtained by configuring a G1701CA
    !MS ChemStation Report Manager to use the Import monitor on the directory where
    !the data files have been processed. The ChemStation running the Report Manager
    !MUST have a correct method with the same name as the method that collected the
    !data on the originating ChemStation.


    G1701CA was released in November 1999....  

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