After the tune, the EMV is >2400 on our 5975C MS, which I think is too high, is the only solution an exchange or are there other approaches? The built-in EMV is already a few years old and the MS is almost running 24/7.
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After the tune, the EMV is >2400 on our 5975C MS, which I think is too high, is the only solution an exchange or are there other approaches? The built-in EMV is already a few years old and the MS is almost running 24/7.
Generally, EM limit is 3000 but some people change it on 2500 based on their application..
How is tune evaluation report ? Is tune evaluation report passed ?
How old is repeller n ent lense of source? Replaced any time or not..
The evaluation report is fine, everything in target range.
As far as I can see the parts have not been replaced since 2012.
The 180% 219 and 21.5% 502 are wrong, especially on a 5975 Atune. The first thing to do is to clean the source. (+) GCMS Ion Source Cleaning - Videos - GC/MS Portal - Agilent Community (+) How to clean an Agilent GCMS Ion Source - Files - GC/MS - Agilent Community Make sure and clean down inside the source body where the drawout plate makes contact and inside and outside of the entrance lens tube. I would also recommend replacing both repeller insulators, both filaments, and the lens insulator.
Verifty that the column is not installed too far out of the transferline, pump it down, let it equilibrate at least an hour, and tune it again. Please share that tune report.
Typical EM lifetime is dramatically shorter than 11 years, but fix the tune issues first and see if the EMV is lower.