7200 GC-QTOF check tune vs tune report

What exactly is the difference between running "check tune" and printing a tune report for the 7200 GC-QTOF? What does each one do specifically, and when is it appropriate to use one or the other?

    • Printing a tune report uses the currently loaded parameters and gathers new data using those parameters then prints what happens.  You are the human evaluator.    
    • The Checktune report evaluates the results of the most current autotune file within the acceptable parameter value limits that you enter.  The software is the evaluator.

    Both are faster than running a tune, so both reduce the PFTBA usage and source contamination from the PFTBA.  I like to think I'm smarter than software, so I like Print a Tune Report (or SQ "Generate Report").   Why tune it if it doesn't need it?  Remember that the tune algorithm can and will change the system response. Look at the report, evaluate it, and if the results are pretty much the same as after it was last tuned, then run samples.  

    Even better is to have a test compound with chemistry similar to your samples and a short method and inject the sample. Then evaluate the retention time, the peak area/height, and the peak's scan spectrum.  If those are within reasonable limits, run it.  If one part is not great, adjust or tune, run it again, evaluate the parameters, and then run.  That procedure tests the inlet, column, and the MS.

    Most analyses do not need your system to be at the very sharp tippy-top of sensitivity. Most samples could be easily run with the system de-tuned 10% to 20% or more. 

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