GC/MS contamination peak

Recently did full maintenance on GC/MS; cleaned the source, replaced the gold seal, inlet liner, septa as well as eventually installed a new column with a new guard column (we were starting to observe lots of ghost peaks and bleed since it had been in use for now a while). I'm observing a contamination peak with 129 and 147 main ions, which seems to correspond to Bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate - https://imgur.com/us01aBd - both in split and splitless mode. Pretty confident it's from the GC side since if I do a run while keeping the temperatures of the inlet and oven low (50-60), I do not observe this peak (plus the peak is consistent in its retention time).

Interestingly enough, when running a method with a higher starting oven temperature, the abundance of the peak decreases until it pretty much disappears if the starting temperature is above ~175-200 degC. The peak also seems to be absent if I run while heating the oven, but keeping the inlet temperature off. So, thinking this might be an inlet issue, I then replaced the split vent trap, cleaned the inlet itself, as well as the vent line, and replaced both septa and liner again - also baked out the column some before re-installing. I am still seeing this contamination peak!  Note that all runs were conducted without actual injections.

At this point, I feel I have replaced everything what am I missing? Anyone know what this peak could be characteristic of?


  • Hi

    I assume you have done everything.

    Now change helium cylinder with new lot.

    If any moisture/nitrogen trap filter is connected with helium line then change it...

  • The cylinder wasn't changed during the whole process (been in use for about 6 months without issue), so the contamination should not be coming from there.

  • As you are saying that from 6 month, you are using cylinder so there is chances that it's already consumed in good quantity.So there is chances of impurities from cylinder.

    Are you using any moisture/nitrogen trap filter...

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