Unexplained Baseline on 5890 II

Hello everyone,

We have a 5890 II with a DB-1 column and FID that has an odd baseline behavior. It has a spiky signal that persists even after clipping the column, doing maintenance on the inlet, checking the gases, and heating the pencil filter. It only appears during ramp and does not appear when the temperature is constant.  There are also unexplained spikes that happen even when the GC is idling (not currently running a sample). The following are three blanks run in a row.

Any insights would be helpful.

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  • Hello, thanks for the answer.

    I had cleaned the FID before those runs were performed. I went in with a blind nut and baked out the FID. When I put in the blind nut, I had the signal max out but lifting and replacing the FID resolved that. I assume the spring had been jostled. There was no water in the detector.

    The signal is still poor. We have to run several blanks every morning (nothing is turned off) to get started. I also captured a spike/signal drop. Both of the following are blanks.

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