Hello, I am using a GC-FPD with a sulfur filter. The machine has not been used for months and I have been restarting it this week. However there is a huge problem for FPD to ignite, the output is only ~1.0 with 0.5/1.0/2.0 offset. It was ~40 before with the flame being easily lit but now there is no water dripping from the exhaust hose so I suspect the flame is not on with the 1.0 output.
Is there any possible solution for this case? Have tried heating and allowed air to flow for few days before lighting it.
At the same time, I have read the FPD maintenance manual from Agilent.
I spot that there might be a problem with the eletrometer or the signal cable. Is eletrometer same as PMT voltage? If so, our PMT is always on. Where is the signal cable and how could I find it?