Seeking Some Advice on Optimizing Split Ratio in GC for Trace Analysis ??

Hi everyone,

I am working on trace analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890B) and am trying to optimize the split ratio for my method. I understand that a lower split ratio can help concentrate the sample on the column, which is crucial for detecting trace levels of VOCs. However, I am concerned about potential issues like overloading the column or affecting peak shape and resolution.

Does anyone have experience balancing split ratio for sensitive trace analysis: ?? What factors should I consider when deciding on the optimal split ratio: ??

For instance, is there a recommended range I should start with, or specific signs that indicate I might need to adjust: ??

Also, how does the type of column or detector (I am using an FID) influence the choice of split ratio: ??

Any insights or tips from your own experience would be greatly appreciated....! I also read this thread for  but now I am looking for more advice and tips.

Thanks in advance!

Mitchel Johnsons

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