batch start false


Agilent marka G1888 headspace sistemi ve 8890 headspace gaz kromatografi sistemlerinde partiye başlıyorum. Sistem aynı kolon ve gaza sahip olmasına rağmen farklı bir yöntemle farklı bir partiden sonra sistemi başlatıyoruz. Ama yaptığımız son parti sistemi almıyor. Bu sorunu nasıl çözebiliriz? Sistemlerin birbiri ardına başlaması için nelere dikkat etmeliyiz? Hplc cihazlarında herhangi bir sorun yaşamıyoruz ancak gaz kromatografi cihazında böyle bir problemle karşılaşıyoruz. Empower 3 kullanıyoruz.

  • Best attempt at Translation. Appears to be sequence issues with Empower. Any tips?



    I start the party with the Agilent brand G1888 headspace system and 8890 headspace gas chromatography systems. We start the system after a batch with a different direction, which means that the system owns the same column and gas. But the last batch system we covered doesn't get it. How can we solve this problem? What do you need to pay attention to so that the systems start running one after the other? We do not have any problems with Hplc devices, but we do face a similar problem with gas chromatography. We are using Empower 3.

  • Best attempt at Translation. Appears to be sequence issues with Empower. Any tips?



    I start the party with the Agilent brand G1888 headspace system and 8890 headspace gas chromatography systems. We start the system after a batch with a different direction, which means that the system owns the same column and gas. But the last batch system we covered doesn't get it. How can we solve this problem? What do you need to pay attention to so that the systems start running one after the other? We do not have any problems with Hplc devices, but we do face a similar problem with gas chromatography. We are using Empower 3.

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