6850 GC Handheld controller firmware (G2629A)

Hello everyone and best wishes for 2021!

I have been searching far and wide to locate a firmware file for the G2629A handheld controller "GC Gameboy" for the 6850. One of our units has the A.05.06 firmware whereas another one has HP labeled 02.xx and I would like to upgrade that older unit to the "latest". Unfortunately the G2629A firmware appears to have been forgotten in the firmware update utility files since "very early". Found info pertaining to year 2002 versions - G2629A not mentioned. Only in a document describing Prereqs for Chemstation B.02 version there is mentioning of a minimum requirement of A.05.04 which makes me think that there have been various updated versions throughout time.

Maybe someone can remember whether any of the A.05 versions have ever been part of a firmware set/update utility.

Thanks in advance!

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