Hi, i am looking for an application note or any literature for dissolution test of implants using apparatus 3 or 7 (basically anything other than app. 4). Please kindly share if you have any. Thank you
Hi, i am looking for an application note or any literature for dissolution test of implants using apparatus 3 or 7 (basically anything other than app. 4). Please kindly share if you have any. Thank you
Hello, the small volume webinar at the below link has discussion of one implant using Apparatus 7.
Dissolution: FoundationBeyond (on24.com)
If you'd like to reach out to dissolution.hotline@agilent.com we can discuss further more specifically for the product you're working with and provide application notes more suited to your needs. Apparatus 7 would be the approach for implants, Apparatus 3 generally is more suitable for other types of products.