OpenLab Content Management 2.2

The release notes for the OpenLab Content Management 2.2 include the following news.


Management web user interface

Updated Web User Interface extensions and customizations

New Access Content using Web Client permission added


What do these functionalities mean?


Thx for help me

  • Hello,


    I added tags to this post to increase visibility.


    As a reference for other users, here are the release notes for the most current release of OpenLab ECM XT and OpenLab Server (the content management component of OpenLab CDS):Agilent OpenLab Server and ECM XT v2.8 Release Notes (link updated July 2024). 


    Of the three features you are asking about, two of these features were added in the 2.1 release:

    • Updated Web User Interface extensions and customizations
    • New Access Content using Web Client permission added


    The first is just stating that updates were made to the Web User Interface for Content Management (also referred to as the Content Browser) to further customize it to our application. The second feature is the introduction of a new permission available in the OpenLab Control Panel that can be used to grant specific users access to the Web UI:



    The last feature you asked about was new to the 2.2 release:

    • Management web user interface


    I believe this is related to the addition of the Admin Console and Search Manager in the Web UI which provides access to administrative features in Content Management as well as editing search filters. 

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