"Manage Templates" privilege


J'ai une question concernant le privilège "Manage Templates" sous Openlab 2.5. Il fait partie des rôles d'administration, lié au Content Management.

Savez-vous ce que permet de faire ce privilège ? Il semblerait qu'il soit lié aux modèles de rapports et séquences mais je ne vois pas quels droits il permet d'obtenir, et il n'y a pas d'explication concernant ce privilège dans l'aide en ligne.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Ludivine B.

  • Hello!  Thank you for your question.  Forum posts should be written in English, however you can use the translation to view content in local language.

    Translation of the post is below.


    I have a question about the "Manage Templates" privilege under Openlab 2.5. It is part of the administrative roles, linked to Content Management.

    Do you know what this privilege allows you to do? It would seem that it is related to report templates and sequences but I do not see what rights it allows to obtain, and there is no explanation for this privilege in the online help.


    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Hello!  Thank you for your question.  Forum posts should be written in English, however you can use the translation to view content in local language.

    Translation of the post is below.


    I have a question about the "Manage Templates" privilege under Openlab 2.5. It is part of the administrative roles, linked to Content Management.

    Do you know what this privilege allows you to do? It would seem that it is related to report templates and sequences but I do not see what rights it allows to obtain, and there is no explanation for this privilege in the online help.


    Thanks in advance for your help.

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