OPEN LAB Shared server  - Delete button

Dear all,


We use Open Lab shared Server in our HPLC, UPLC and GC equipment. It is configured to meet CFR 21 part 11 and all data integrity requirements for the USA and Europe. However, today in an in-place audit the auditor detect that in the supervisor role, in the control panel appear a Delete button. We know that this button is used to remove instruments in the software and we know that it must be blocked for the supervisor, however, know we need to demonstrate to the auditor that delete the instrument do not affect the data generated by this instrument. Please, can you let me know where I can find this information?

  • Hello,


    It looks like you have a client/server installation of OpenLab CDS EZChrom. If that is the case, then all of your data should be getting stored and backed up automatically in ECM. 


    Even if you did not have the data stored in ECM, OL EZChrom stores its data files, methods, etc... in projects. When you create an instrument in the OpenLab Control Panel you identify a default project for the instrument, but that is the only linkage between an instrument and a project. If the instrument were to be deleted, the project and all of its contents would still remain. 


    The ability to delete an instrument is linked to the 'Manage instrument or location' role privilege:


    If you do not want certain users to have the ability to delete an instrument, then you will need to edit their role membership so that they do not have that privilege. 


    Hopefully this helps. 

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