How to import the existing data from OpenLab CDS Ezchrom (or) Elite to OpenLab CDS 2.x. ?
Will it convert the Ezchrom data, method to OL CDS 2.x compatible?
How to import the existing data from OpenLab CDS Ezchrom (or) Elite to OpenLab CDS 2.x. ?
Will it convert the Ezchrom data, method to OL CDS 2.x compatible?
Hello Bala,
Have you tried looking in the OL Help & learning files? They have lots of useful information such as the below:
Go to Import EZChrom raw data here:
You will be asked to create a new result set:
A .rslt folder will be created with the following contents for a single injection:
You can see that the raw data .dat file is there along with the .rx result file. This is equivalent to a .dx and .rx per injection for native OL 2.X data.
Hope this helps,
Hello Sara,
Thanks for your input. My requirement is bulk upload. I have past 2 year data from the instruments, I want to upload to the system using Ezchrom converter tool. Please share your guideline for this case.
Hi Bala,
No problem, thank you for the extra info. I myself haven't been involved in projects involving mass import of EZChrom data so I cannot assist you fully here. Hopefully someone else will chime in if they know more than I do.
Using FTP is great for moving large amounts of data across into the Content Management but you lose all Activity Logs/ Audit Trails - so I believe, I have not tested it for some time. You also already need to have the project folders created in CM before you start the FTP transfer.
I would recommend that you contact your local Agilent office regarding consultation services if there are no more responses to your query here. At the moment, you might find it best to keep your data on the original EZChrom server and import data as and when required by auditors etc.
Kind regards,
Thank you for the replies,
I'll wait for some expert's response.
C B Ragubathi
There is a document on the OpenLab CDS 2.3 installation media that you might find helpful if you have not already reviewed it. The document is named MigrationGuide_OpenLABCDSEZChromToCDS2.3.pdf and can be found in Setup\Tool\Migration\Linked PDF docs\.