Using Mito Stress and Glycolysis Stress Test in the same 96 well plate

Dear support team, is it possible to perform both Mito Stress and Glycolysis Stress Test in the same plate? I am planning to analyze both ECAR and OCR in my cells using both kits in the same plate (Glycolysis Stress Test in the top half wells and Mito Stress in bottom half wells, using appropriate medium in both halves) and I was wondering if it is possible in the first place and, if it is, which template should I use? To be more specific, if I choose the template for glycolysis does the SeaHorse Analyzer also measure OCR, and viceversa, or should I customize the template?

  • Hi Edoardo,

    Thank you for contacting Technical Support. Running a GST and an MST on the same plate is certainly possible.  You can use either template, but when running through Seahorse Analytics, be sure that your groups are correctly assigned according to where each assay was run on your plate. As long as you have the correct groups turned on for each respective assay, SHA will do all of the calculations correctly for you!

    Thank you and let me know if you have any other questions!


    Courtney Nadeau Watts

    Technical Support Scientist/Remote Engineer

    Cell Analysis Products


    Phone Contact: 800-227-9770 (Option 3 , option 8)

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