opening ".xdy" Bioanalyzer 2100 files


I would like generate the maintenence report of the Bionalyzer 2100. I have the diagnostic file with the "xdy" extension, however the 2100 Exoert software does not open it. How can I open this file?

I would be grateful for your help!

  • Hi,

    To open the .xdy file, please open the 2100 expert software and select the Instrument context. On the instrument tab, ensure you are connected to an instrument, or that Demo is selected from the COM Port drop down menu. You can now select the diagnostics tab and on the right side of the software there is an open button which allows you to select the .xdy file. Once the .xdy file is opened, the results can be printed by selecting the file tab and print.

    Hope this help,


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