Here is a "best of" collection of links to manuals and tools for Agilent Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers (AAS), SpectrAA Software, and AAS accessories and consumables.
AAS User Guides
- Agilent 55B AA Spectrometer User’s Guide
- Agilent 55B AA Spectrometer User’s Guide (Spanish)
- Agilent 55B AA Spectrometer User’s Guide (French)
- Agilent 240/280 Series AA User’s Guide
- Agilent 240/280 Series AA User’s Guide (Spanish)
- Agilent 240/280 Series AA User’s Guide (French)
- Agilent 240/280 Series AA User’s Guide (Chinese)
- Agilent Vapor Generation Accessory VGA 77 and VGA 77P User’s Guide
- Agilent Graphite Tube Atomizer GTA 120 User’s Guide
- Agilent Programmable Sample Dispenser PSD 120 User’s Guide
- Agilent Sample Introduction Pump System SIPS 10/20 User’s Guide
- Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply
- Agilent SPS 3 Autosampler User’s Guide
- Agilent Electrothermal Temperature Controller ETC 60 User’s Guide
- Agilent Atom Concentrator Tube ACT 80 User’s Guide
AAS Hardware Troubleshooting & Maintenance
- AA Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide
- How to do a health check of your Agilent Flame and Graphite Furnace AAS
- Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Atomic Absorption Systems: Part 1 – Hollow Cathode Lamps
- Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Atomic Absorption Systems: Part 2 – Flame Atomic Absorption
- Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Atomic Absorption Systems: Part 3 – Graphite Furnace AAS
AAS Site Preparation
- 140/240/280 Series AA Site Preparation Checklist
- Agilent AA Spectrometer Systems Site Preparation Guide
AAS Supplies
- Order Atomic Absorption Instrument & Accessory Supplies on
- Spectroscopy Supplies Catalog
- Agilent Atomic Absorption Supplies Quick Reference Guide
- Essential Supplies for Atomic Absorption
- Mark 7 Spray Chamber Supplies
Application Notes/Briefs
Flame AAS
- The Determination of Lead in Unleaded Gasoline Using the Agilent 55 AA Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
- Rapid Determination of Seven Elements in Milk Powder by Microwave Digestion and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- Multi-Element Analysis of Foods using Fast Sequential-Flame AAS
- Measuring Multiple Elements in Steel Samples Using FAAS With Automated Standard Preparation and Sample Dilution
- Measuring Multiple Heavy Metals in Plating Wastewater Using Flame AAS
- Determination of Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn in Soils Using Fast Sequential Mode
- Determination of Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, and Zn in Food Using AAS in Fast Sequential mode
- Determination of K, Na, and Zn in Albumin Using Flame AAS
- Sensitivity Enhancement for Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry using an ACT 80 Atom Concentrator Tube
- Determination of Magnesium, Calcium, and Potassium in Brines by Flame AAS using the SIPS-10 Accessory for Automated Calibration and On-Line Sample Dilution
- Sensitivity Enhancement for Flame AAS Using an Atom Concentrator Tube for Elements Dissolved in Organic Solvents
- Determination of As, Sb and Se in Difficult Environmental Samples by Hydride Generation
Graphite Furnace AAS
- Determination of Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb in Grains using the Agilent 280Z Zeeman GFAAS
- Measuring Lead in Water
- Determination of Pb and Cd in Porphyra tenera using Microwave Digestion and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- Analysis of Pb and Cr in Soil using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- Determination of Multiple Elements in Aquatic Products Using a Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
- Measuring Arsenic in Water
- Determination of Sb in Sediment and Road Soil
- Measuring Cadmium in Water
- Determination of Pb, Cd, Cr, and Ni in Grains Based on Four Chinese National Methods via Zeeman GFAAS
- High Sensitivity Determination of Lead in Soy Sauce
- Monitoring Heavy Metals by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy for Compliance with RoHS and WEE Directives
Technical Resources
- How To Choose the Right Atomic Spectroscopy Technique - explorative resource on how atomic spectroscopy works, choosing the right technique, sample preparation, calibration, and example applications
- The Role of Chemical Modifiers in Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- Optimizing GFAAS Ashing and Atomizing Temperatures using Surface Response Methodology
- Obtaining Optimum Performance When Using the SIPS Accessory
- An Automated Vapor Generation Accessory for Atomic Absorption Analysis
- Some Studies with an Agilent VGA-76 Hydride Generator for Selenium Determination
- Automated Cold Vapor Determination of Mercury: EPA Stannous Chloride Methodology
- Increasing Productivity and Reducing Costs with Fast Sequential Model for Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
- GTA 120 - Sensitive and Accurate Furnace AA
- High Productivity Vapor Generation with the VGA 77 Accessory
- Increasing Productivity and Simplifying Sample Preparation with the SIPS accessory
- UltrAA lamps – Increase Sensitivity by up to 40%
- Agilent Fast Sequential (FS) AA Instruments, SIPS 20 and PROMT
- Characteristic Mass in Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- AA Hollow Cathode Lamp Competitive Comparison
- AA Hollow Cathode Lamps – Recommended Operating Conditions
- Features and Operation of Hollow Cathode Lamps
Frequently Asked Questions
- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, How Does AAS Work and other Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the typical life times of a cathode lamp?
- What additional information is available on lamp construction and operation?
- What are the typical % Gain or EHT values for hollow cathode lamps?
- Do any lamps have solid cathodes?
- Why do lamps wear out?
- Do other elements in the cathode affect the lifetime?
- What is the purpose of the fill gas?
- How much fill gas is added?
- Are there any performance compromises with multi-element lamps?
Instruction Sheets
More Tools and Resources