8900 Offline Data Analysis does not find Batch file - Agilent's work-around does not help!


I am using an Agilent 8900 with MassHunter 5.2. Recently an analytical session had to be aborted shortly before its end because of an autosampler problem.

I could not work however with the so far acquired data with the offline Data Analysis software because it could not find the correct batch file (none has been made it seems). I am fully aware of Agilent's work-around of this problem with the topic title "Batch Will Not Open in ICP-MS MassHunter Data Analysis: Attempt to Recover".

I followed the instructions in that topic until the point saying "Import a DA Method from a 'sister batch' with identical Data Analysis setup - such as analytes and calibration standards/levels." followed by "Browse to a batch folder with identical Data Analysis Method setup. It is important to not select the corrupt batch..."

The problem now is that there is no 'sister batch' that matches the non-functional DA setup of the aborted batch. I tried to prepare a new batch with identical analytical settings (without running / analysing actual samples) but again no readable batch file was saved.

Just to clarify: I can load in MassHunter (Instrument Control) without problem the aborted batch, and the duplicate batch that I tried to use as a 'sister batch'.

So it seems that I am caught in a loop... Unless there is a solution that I am not aware of?

Many thanks for your help!


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