Hi, I'm trying to setup a very simple report format to print analysis results (analysis data& time, solution label, single element ID/wavelength, Concentration+units, applied scale factor); using the Report Editor I found the "Detailed results" tab which is almost optimal, except there's a "dilution Factor" field that I thought would be the calculated Scale factor (Volume/weight*Dilution) but when generating a report doesn't return any result (for me it just prints N/A).
So I thought I could just add the Weight / Volume / Dilution data to the table but there seems to be no way to do that in the "detailed results" table, I only found those fields under the "Sequence table" tab but that's not useful, I don't want a separate table with these informations, I want to put them on a column next to the element concentration in order to check if the weight/volume were correct (could also check the Unfactored concentration column but that's not so easy to read as weight/volume would be), also maybe I'm using the Report editor wrong 'cause I think it's very weird, I don't get why I can't put an existing field how I see fit but just into a specific fixed tab, so maybe It's just me not knowing how to use it properly.
Anyway, does anyone know how is the "dilution factor" filed in the "detailed results" tab supposed to work? Is it supposed to print the overall Scal factor and there's something wrong if it prints N/A? Or is there a way to have Weight and Volume data as a column into the Detailed Result table (or any other similar tab that could show the info that I listed earlier? I also tried to use the "custom column" but It doesn't allow you to select a field that is not listed in those available as normal columns (so I also kinda fail to see what's the purpose of a custom column where you can use just regular columns data).
Thank you in advance for any help you could provide