Boron Sensitivity on ICP-MS 7700

Having some difficulty with our sensitivity for detecting B on ICP-MS 7700. Not sure what is causing it. Our theoretical QC standard value should be ~200ug/l. First QC of run is usually ~197ug/l but then drops to around 160ug/l by the end of a sample run. 

Does anyone have any experience with this or any ideas what might cause it? So far have tried different container for QC given B’s sticky tendencies but to no avail. 

  • Hi  welcome to the Community!

    I moved your question to the Atomic Spectroscopy Forum for better visibility.



  • Hi Evchem, does that happen whet every m/z or just with boron?

    For example, our 8900 gives less CPS with every meassure through time. For example the first measure gives 2.10^6 cps of m/z 232 and it goes down progressively to 1,5.10^6 cps of the same mass after 5/6 hours. Fortunately it happens with every m/z and in similar proportions.

  • Do you also run a blank with the QC check sample?  Is it going negative?  If so, that would indicate their was B contamination when you started your run somewhere that washed out as you ran samples.  If not running this check, add it to your runs to see if the blank cps is also going down over time. 

    Compare the counts in the CalBlk (level1) from a good run to the runs that drift down like this.  Do they start out around the same or are the bad runs starting with higher counts for the blank?

    Compare the counts of the blank with the counts of your 200ug/L standard.  How much higher are they?  If you are running as a check solution, it should be at least 10 times your blank.  

    Remember, quartz is Borosilicate.  Are you using an inert sample introduction system?  Many standards contain trace HF to keep things in solution.  The higher the concentration of your standard, the less you are diluting that HF.  This can cause some Boron to be dissolved out of the quartz sample introduction system (nebulizer, spray chamber, transfer tube, torch).  Your samples are in plastic containers on the autosampler?  Do you use glassware in any sample/standard prep?  Volumetric flasks, pipettes, acid bottles... these would be sources of Boron contamination.  I had a customer using a glass weight to hold down the capillary line in their Internal standard solution.  They would see B and Si increase overtime from this.  Values would go up, though, not down like you are seeing, but something to look out for.

  • Reason: You can check the boron CPS of cal blank and last rinsing solution whether they are similar. If your B rinsing CPS was lower than your cal blank, your curve was calibrated in a relatively high background level, the B QC conc. dropped at the end of batch because the B background was minimized after running a batch sample.

    Solution: To prepare a specific rinsing solution to tackle the memory effect (search Rinsing Protocol for Rapid Measurement of 'Sticky' element).

    I hope this can help u.

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