Performance Report is failing, but numbers look good?

I am a new user to ICP-MS. I am having issues with the instrument failing the startup performance report. I know its about time that I clean my cones looking at the counts, however, just looking at the performance report values, nothing is standing out to me as "fail". I ran a performance report at the end of a calibration run yesterday, just to see the change over the hour or so it ran, and the count was MUCH different than before, and failed.

Does anyone have any ideas?

  • Hi Vaughn, if you go to Tools>Settings>Reporting>"Open Setting Dialog" next to Performance Check Settings you can see what the acceptable criteria is supposed to be (note that the units of sensitivity in your settings are cps/ppb but in the performance report they are "counts per 0.1s/ppb so there is a 10x conversion between them). Chances are, the failure is coming from your oxide ratio because the default setting is <1.8% and you're at 2.09%.

    If there is any concern for the quality of your operation, please reach out to technical support at 1-800-227-9770 for recommendations on how to reduce oxide formation.

  • Hi, 

    as already said, your failing on the oxide ratio.

    To view this in the table, click on "Select Data displayed in History View" and select "Ratio" from the list.

    Best Regards


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