Manual Integration in MassHunter 4.4

I am having trouble manually integrating peaks in MassHunter 4.4. I can select the icon for manual integration and draw the new area under the curve, but it doesn’t update the calculated counts or concentration in the data table and I have not found a setting to enable the use of manual integration. It also overlays the RT, height and area information over the original auto-integration in a way that is unreadable and I can’t move the comment. Does anyone know how to move the comment and make the manual integration take?

I am using MassHunter 4.4 to process data collected by LC-ICP-MSMS (Infinity II 1260 LC, Agilent 8900 ICPMS QQQ). I am measuring chlorovinylarsonous acid (CVAA) against an internal standard (sodium arsonoacetate). 

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