Argon Gas Humidifier 7800 ICP-MS

Hi everyone,

I’m working with an ICP-MS 7800, and we recently installed an argon gas humidifier to improve our analysis of samples with high sodium content. The goal was to enhance our percent recoveries. Can anyone share insights on whether the humidifier is more effective in General Purpose mode or HMi mode? Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

  • Hi  ,

    Welcome to the Community!

    I moved your question to the Atomic Spectroscopy Forum for better visibility.



  • Hi Villy, the function of argon gas humidifier is to help the user avoid blockage of the nebulizer due to high salt content is his sample, like you high sodium content application. So, if you were seeing previously increase on your nebulizer back pressure, when running samples this means some salt is condensing on the tip of the nebulizer and blocking the accessory. With the Ar gas humidifier, the neb. gas is coming humid and then dissolving these blockages and I am expecting a better nebulizer stability and of course better measurement stability. The Agilent Ar humidifier 2nd channel is also keeping humid the dilution gas, when you are running HMI mode. Theoretically the Ar humidifier should not affect your counts, your signal stability and should produce the same results even if you are using general purpose or HMI, so personally I do not see a connection there. Also when the sodium content is really high (total dissolved solids going over 0.2 - 0.3%) we always suggest running your samples on HMI mode. Please observe you long time stability and if you see a big ISTD downwards drift, maybe you have to increase the HMI from 4 to 8 or even 25.

  • Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate it. We ran the samples using general purpose mode and the humidifier. The sequence was going well until the ISTD and analyte CPS dropped all of a sudden and stayed low. I have attached a picture below. We're suspecting that the argon flow might have decreased due to issues with the tubing. Additionally, we've noticed bubbles in the gas lines submerged in the humidifier water. Is this normal, or could it be related to the issues we're experiencing? Could you please provide your thoughts on these matters? We're particularly interested in any suggestions you have for preventing such significant drops in CPS.

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