Nickel Issues ICP-MS 7800


I have been struggling with my nickel results and blanks being very negative. any thoughts on what would be causing this??

  • It's most likely that this Ni contamination is caused by the Ni (plated) cones. Especially the skimmer cone could cause this. This contamination level is higher if the carbon content in the matrix is higher or the concentration of acid is higher. If an new skimmer (or skimmer and sample) cone is used then the cps in the blank (contamination level) is dropping. If it's not possible to get rid of the carbon or high acid concentrations and the contamination is to high then is good to use the Pt tipped cones with the brass skimmer base.



  • It's most likely that this Ni contamination is caused by the Ni (plated) cones. Especially the skimmer cone could cause this. This contamination level is higher if the carbon content in the matrix is higher or the concentration of acid is higher. If an new skimmer (or skimmer and sample) cone is used then the cps in the blank (contamination level) is dropping. If it's not possible to get rid of the carbon or high acid concentrations and the contamination is to high then is good to use the Pt tipped cones with the brass skimmer base.



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