Is there anyone that is familiar with Mass Hunter 4.6? I run a 7900 ICP-MS and I am trying to make sure my EPA tune report is passing all requirements for 200.8. We were just audited an Pb 206 isotope is not being identified. Thanks for any advice!

7900 ICP-MS.

  • You will need to add the isotope to the report and then enter the criteria. Steps are outlined below. Let me know if you have any questions.

    1. Click the Report arrow for the drop down, select Generate Tune Report

    2. Add as many channels needed and enter the masses (you can just type them in). Select OK when done. Also confirm the Template is using the EPA one. 

    3. Click the Report arrow for the drop down again, this time select Set Tune Check Criteria. If it's greyed out, add it via Settings > Options > Tune Check Criteria box checked

    4. In Tune Check Criteria set up your limits. You will have to do this for every tune mode needed. 

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