We are having some problems with our 1260 Infinity II stack (with a 1290 Pump in use due to analyte background issues), and getting the stack to shutdown when the "plasma off" command is executed on an Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ. The remote cable is going from the E-REMOTE port on the 1260 multisampler to the remote port on the 8900 ICP-QQQ, and the remote trigger works fine for initiating the ICP-QQQ TRA, but if the ICP-QQQ goes into standby the HPLC stack doesn't go into an error state which risks flooding the spray chamber and torchbox. As a result, the ICP-QQQ has to be left on until the run has finished. Does anyone have any ideas as to how the remote can be configured to shutdown the HPLC stack when the ICP-QQQ switches off? I'm not very well versed in electronics/rewiring!
Elliott Hamilton
Inorganic Geochemistry, British Geological Survey, UK