Cd analysis using 8900 QQQ

Good day everyone, 

I would like to have your thoughts on Cadmium analysis using 8900. 

I ran Cd in He mode using mass 111 but I also analysed Cd in O2 mode, but without a mass shift. The latest was probably a pre-set from one of the pre-set method in massHunter... 

Between the two modes, my QC looks better with O2 even if not in mass shift (I read somewhere that most of the time, O2 is used in mass shift). 

Any advice?


Parents Reply
  • Thanks for your reply. It is much appreciated. I totally understand your explanation. 0.5% sensitivity is not much isn't... I don't think I can make it as I have pretty low concentrations. But, since the Cd with O2 (no mass shift) is better that the He mode, is it legitimate to use it since I did not ran it in no gas mode and since the results are better (my QCs as well as CRMs) than He mode?


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